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28 de maio de 2022 11:00

Porta USB-C só funciona se eu desconectar o cabo e reconectar

Tenho um Alienware M15 R6 e utilizo 2 monitores externos, utilizando as portas HDMI e USB-C. A imagem no monitor conectado à porta USB-C só aparece, quando eu desconecto e reconecto o cabo.
O link abaixo, mostra que não há um defeito físico nem no notebook, nem no cabo e nem no monitor. Acredito que haja algum problema relacionado à BIOS e o software que faz o levantamento dos serviços. Assistam o vídeo e, por favor, me digam o que acham que pode estar ocorrendo. Obrigado! 

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28 de maio de 2022 12:00

@Cenastrojr wrote:
USB-C port only works if I disconnect the cable and reconnect ‎

‎I have an Alienware M15 R6 and I use 2 external monitors, using the HDMI and USB-C ports. The image on the monitor connected to the USB-C port only appears when I disconnect and reconnect the cable. ‎
‎The link below shows that there is no physical defect in either the notebook, the cable or the monitor. I believe that there is some problem related to the BIOS and the software that does the survey of the services. Watch the video, and please tell me what you think might be going on. Thank you!‎ 

Hi @Cenastrojr welcome to this free user to user Alienware laptop discussion forum. This is not Dell Support. Please look at Solved: Daisy Chaining explained - Dell Community

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